David’s Dream Run – Save the Date and Sponsorship Information
DAVID’S DREAM RUN – Save the date! David’s Dream Run will be held on Saturday, May 3rd, at Woodforest Bank Stadium. This event is held to honor David Vetter’s dream to “run barefoot in the grass.” All proceeds from the one mile and 5K run/walk are donated to the David Center at Texas Children’s Hospital. We will share further details regarding registration as we get closer to the event.
DAVID’S DREAM RUN SPONSORSHIP – Would you like to have your business or family name on the back of the David‘s Dream Run t-shirt? Several sponsorship levels are available and must be submitted by March 14th. Depending on the level you choose, you will receive a designated number of race registrations, t-shirts, and business advertisement. Please visit our website for more information: https://david.conroeisd.net/department/get-involved/davids-dream-run/.